Dear Parent,
Our mission as a fraternity is to develop balanced men in the fields of engineering, architecture, and science by providing an environment that fosters personal growth and professional success. We pursue this mission on a daily basis through our Code of Ethics and we would like to walk you through what that looks like.
Code of Ethics
As a member of Triangle, I recognize my obligation to:
“1 . Observe the precepts of the Fraternity as set forth in the Ritual;”
Our Ritual is a call to action – a commitment to strive each day to live by our founding principles and work perpetually for the betterment of Triangle and the world.
“2. Accept cheerfully my full share of any task, however menial, involved in maintaining a chapter home;”
The Penn State Chapter of Triangle currently owns a fraternity home in State College, PA 2 blocks away from campus. With owning a home, it is expected that our membership will treat it as if it were their own. This instills responsibility and pride into our membership while also allowing our brotherhood to work together towards a common goal. Members will teach each other how to properly maintain a home through a rotation of basic cleaning and maintenance tasks. Beyond maintenance and cleaning, members will also have the opportunity to participate in and learn the financials involved with home ownership and renting.
“3. Preserve and promote the chosen ideals of my Fraternity;”
One of our fraternity’s most popular motto is, “In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” This motto is the essence of this code of ethic, where every activity, event, or thing we do as a brotherhood leads to this.
“4. Pay all personal bills promptly, and always live within my means;”
For many, college is one of the first times in a person’s life where they are on their own and additional responsibilities are set upon them. In Triangle, we try to help guide our members through those responsibilities, especially with finances. Some of the way our members learn this is with leases, semester rental fees, and holding positions that manage budgets.
“5. Help create in my chapter home an environment in which enduring friendships may be formed;”
Part of brotherhood is the formation of lifelong friendships. So we expect members to have a friendly welcoming environment towards each other. With this in mind, Triangle has a strict Anti-hazing policy. No member, new member, or pledge should ever be hazed. Hazing does not create an environment for enduring friendships. Our members foster friendships through the activities, goals, successes, and challenges that they face together.
“6. Maintain a creditable scholastic record;”
Triangle Fraternity is a social fraternity, but we have a strong belief in the balance of professional and social. This leads to our members learning the importance of time management. To enjoy the social side of the fraternity, our members are expected to maintain an acceptable GPA so that they can succeed and find jobs after college. To help support this effort, we award over $20k/year to our members in scholarships. Additionally, we maintain study room(s) in our house that have textbooks, PCs, printers, general supplies, and more to support our members.
“7. Promote the welfare of my profession;”
As an exclusive fraternity for men in STEM and architecture, our professions mean a lot to us. Within that exclusivity, many of our members end up taking very similar career paths and sometimes at the same companies. This leads to a stronger network where our Alumni Members can help mentor, teach, and provide opportunities to our undergrads.
“8. Maintain self-respect by proper conduct at all times;”
When a student arrives to college for the first time, it is a huge, new life experience that comes with different expectations, freedoms, and attitudes. As a fraternity, we aim for our older members to help guide members through this transition period. This helps give structure and stability for our members while also creating a system of accountability. Our brothers are expected to be leaders and respectful to the community around them.
“9. Uphold faithfully the traditions and program of my Alma Mater;”
As a fraternity, we are associated with the local university and its student body. We are also in a very unique position compared to other organizations. We have more than one focus and get to experience many different traditions and programs available at our University. We participate in Homecoming, THON, Greek Week, general greek events, university events like Engineering week, specific benefits like group tickets or deals for sporting events and more. All members are also encouraged to be active in at least one other organization outside of Triangle.
“10. Pay the price of success in honest effort.”
This code of ethic speaks for itself. All of our members are expected to do their best to achieve their goals. There are no shortcuts.
Thank you for taking the time to research our fraternity. We hope that the information provided on this website has answered many of the questions you have.
If you have any more questions please reach out to our Alumni President. We will be happy to answer them.